Wednesday 29th May – Thursday 30th May 2024
Tākina Wellington Convention & Exhibition Centre
Te Whanganui a Tara / Wellington
Click the button to open the FINAL programme in a new browser tab. From there, it can be viewed, downloaded or printed. More details, including information about each session, expected learning outcomes and bios for each speaker will be available to registered delegates via the conference app closer to the conference. If you are a delegate and prefer a printed programme, we recommend you download and print a copy using this button and bring it with you to Te Pūtake.
Announcements and Information
About the Conference Host
For more than 25 years Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga / National Network of Family Violence Services has been at the forefront of efforts to stop family violence in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Our specialist family violence organisations work with victim/survivors, people who perpetrate violence and with tamariki / children, whānau and families, communities, iwi and hapu to provide powerful prevention campaigns and accessible and safe intervention, healing and recovery services when violence occurs.
About the Conference
Our bi-annual National Family Violence Conference brings together front-line family violence specialists, advocates, researchers and academics, policymakers as well as public servants across ten government ministries, ranging from justice, corrections and policing, health and education, and social well-being and development.
The Conference provides opportunities to expand and consolidate networks, share efforts to research and address issues occurring within the family violence prevention and response systems and to identify emerging trends, facilitating best practice and skills / knowledge development.
Our last conference sold out and attracted more than 300 delegates across both Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australia. This year we have booked a significantly larger venue to accommodate the expected 400-500 delegates at the newly opened and beautifully appointed Tākina Convention and Exhibition Centre in downtown Te Whanganui a Tara / Wellington.
Conference Themes
Our 2024 Conference title is Te Pūtake – a te reo Māori kupu/word meaning to originate, cause, reason, origin, source. It reflects the broader themes of the Conference in terms of a focus on evidence-based prevention and intervention activities which consider the causes of family violence in Aotearoa/New Zealand, as well as Te Kupenga’s Call to Action to focus resources and attention on the source of violence (that is, those who perpetrate it) to increase safety and prevent ongoing harm.
Our Conference whakatauki is Taku ahi tūtata, taku mata Kikoha, literally translated as “When my fire is close the point of my weapon is sharp”. It captures the idea that when we are passionate about and truly invested in the work of stopping family violence, our focus and the tools and practices we use are at their best and most effective.
Latest News
Minister Karen Chhour to launch Te Pūtake National Conference
Your Conference Host, Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga | National Network of Family Violence Services is pleased to confirm that Minister Karen Chhour, the Minister for the Prevention of Family & Sexual Violence will present an opening address launching the Conference on Wednesday 29th May, 2024. We’re delighted the Minister can welcome nearly 400 delegates across the family violence and sexual violence prevention and intervention sectors and share her insights into the important mahi ahead.
Te Pūtake sold out
The 2024 Aotearoa/New Zealand Family Violence Conference Te Pūtake is now sold out! Missed out on a ticket and still keen to attend? Navigate to the booking site and add your name to the waiting list. We’ll let you know if and when any tickets comes up.
Have you registered?
Announcing our Keynote Speakers
We are pleased to announce that our primary Keynote Speakers for Te Pūtake are Dorthy Stucky Halley, LMSW, and Steven M.S. Halley, LSCSW, the co-founders and co-directors of the USA-based Family Peace Initiative.
Steve and Dorthy have been visionary in the development of an evidence-informed motive typology conceived from victims’ voices, and a trauma-focused approach for intervening with persons using violence. They are internationally recognised for their expertise and engaging presentations that bring new understanding for effective response to domestic violence.
Dorthy and Steve will present the opening keynote Cracking the Code: Understanding Different Motives of Those Who Perpetrate Family Violence, and the Connection to Risk and Lethality on Wednesday 29 May 2024. This keynote presentation “cracks the code” on the behavior of those who perpetrate family violence, presenting an evidence-informed understanding of their differences based on motive. This overview is ideal for the policy makers, members of the judiciary, law enforcement and corrections, victim/survivor advisors and advocates, family violence programme providers, children’s workers, counsellors, and other professionals working with family violence concerns. Those with different motives display different behaviors and present different dangers to their victims and children. Through the use of videos and case examples, this information unlocks a deeper and more nuanced understanding of family violence and provides practical information that can improve safety planning with victims and children, and intervention efforts with persons using violence.
Submitted a proposal and waiting to hear back?
If you submitted a proposal to present at Te Pūtake you can expect to hear the outcome from the conference host in the week beginning 11 March 2024. If you are waiting to find out if your proposal is successful or not, please don’t register for Te Pūtake yet. Accepted presenters will receive one complimentary registration. If your proposal is unsuccessful, we’ve held back some paid tickets to make certain you don’t miss out on registering.
Registrations are now open!
Registration for Te Pūtake is open from 9:00am on Monday 11 March 2024 and will close on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 5:00pm unless sold out sooner. You can secure your registration now by clicking on the link on this page or check out the Humanitix Te Pūtake Event page
Delegate Registration from 11th March
Registration for delegates to attend Te Pūtake will open on 11th March 2024. A link to the ticketing platform will be posted on this page at that time.
Call for Papers & Proposals
The Call for Papers & Proposals for Te Pūtake has now closed. The Conference Committee is currently considering all submitted proposals and will advise all submittees of the outcome of their proposal in the second week of March 2024.
Conference Venue
Te Pūtake will be held at Tākina Conference & Convention Centre in Te Whanganui a Tara / Wellington on Wednesday 29 May and Thursday 30 May 2024.