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Community Law Centres

Got a legal problem? Maybe we can help. We’re lawyers and we’re also community workers. We listen carefully, we’re whānau friendly, and we help you find solutions you feel comfortable with. We’re passionate about making sure that everyone in Aotearoa, no matter how little money you have, has access to justice and enjoys real equality.
Community Law is all around the country, from Kaitāia to Rēkohu (the Chathams). We offer all sorts of free legal help, from easy-to-read information, to community workshops, to one-on-one legal help.
website: communitylaw.org.nz
Family Violence Clearinghouse

The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse is your national centre for research and information on family and whānau violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. We provide information and resources for people working towards the elimination of family violence. The Clearinghouse is based at the School of Population Health, University of Auckland.
email: info@nzfvc.org.nz
website: nzfvc.org.nz
It’s not OK

It’s not OK is a community-driven behaviour change campaign to reduce family violence in New Zealand. Its goal is to change attitudes and behaviour that tolerate any kind of family violence. This website has information for people experiencing violence, their friends, whanau, colleagues, and communities wanting to take action.
website: areyouok.org.nz
Safe Network

Helping people and communities with support for concerning, harmful sexual behaviour. Safe Network operates the largest community-based specialist clinical assessment and intervention service in New Zealand for those with concerning and harmful sexual behaviour.
It works with children who have problematic or concerning sexual behaviours, assisting them to learn to express themselves in healthier ways. Safe also specialises in work with adults and adolescents to address their harmful sexual behaviour, particularly towards children.
Phone: 09 377 9898
email: info@safenetwork.org.nz
website: safenetwork.org.nz
Age Concern

Age Concern New Zealand is a charity dedicated to people over 65, their friends, and whānau. They promote dignity, wellbeing, equity and respect and provide expert information and support services in response to older people’s needs.
Age Concern believes older people should always be respected and never abused. Find out how to get help if you are not being treated with dignity and respect.
website: ageconcern.org.nz

Shakti Community Council is a non-profit organisation serving migrant and refugee women of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin. Shakti; meaning strength; works to end all forms of violence and discrimination against women of colour. It supports women to overcome the barriers that come with migration and inter-generational bonds of cultural oppression.
Led by ethnic women for ethnic women, Shakti is dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights of both women and children and advocating social change.
Specialist services: shakti-international.org/shakti-nz
Phone: 0800 SHAKTI (0800 742584)
24-hour multilingual Crisis Call service for women in violent and/ or abusive situations
Pasefika Proud

Pasefika Proud is a social change movement – ‘by Pacific for Pacific’ – to boost wellbeing for Pacific families and transform attitudes, behaviours and norms that enable violence. Our name and strapline embody our strengths-based, community-led approach:
Pasefika Proud: Our Families, Our People, Our Responsibility
Pasefika Proud embodies a vision of strong and vibrant Pacific children, young people, and their families. Wellbeing for Pacific families occurs when all aspects of the individual and collective are in balance, co-existing with environments, kinship and support systems while recognising mana and tapu. Pacific cultures are strengths that can be used positively to promote and enhance resilience within Pacific families.
Website: pasefikaproud.co.nz
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura – Outing Violence

Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura are dedicated to building Rainbow communities in Aotearoa New Zealand free of family, partner and sexual violence. Our work is underpinned by an acknowledgment of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the impact of colonisation on understandings of sex, sexuality and gender diversity in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Website: kahukura.co.nz
0800 What’s Up

What’s Up Is a free counselling service just for children and young people.
No issue is too small or too big for the trained counsellors – reach out if you need to be heard and would like some support to deal with what’s on your mind. You can ask to speak with a woman or man counsellor and, if you have spoken with a counsellor before, you can ask to speak to the same person if you want to.
Online for children: whatsup.co.nz/kids
Online for young people: whatsup.co.nz/teens
Free call: 0800 942 8787
Mon-Sun: 11am-11pm

Youthline is a “with youth, for youth” organisation that supports young people throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. We have been providing support to Kiwis aged between 12-24 years for more than 50 years.
Youthline is here to support all young people – this includes young people who are struggling (with their mental health or other issues), as well as young people who want to learn, grow and give back to their community.
Free call: 0800 376 633
Free text: 234
Website: youthline.co.nz

Te Ohaakii a Hine – National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together is the national network of those providing specialist services for sexual violence prevention and intervention.
Specialist help and support if you are a survivor of sexual violence or if you have been behaving in harmful sexual ways towards others. Help is also available if you have a loved one who has experienced or perpetrated sexual violence.
Get Help: toah-nnest.org.nz/getting-help
What is sexual violence: toah-nnest.org.nz/what-is-sexual-violence
Phone: 0800 044 334 or Txt: 4334 (24/7 Confidential and Free)
Women’s Refuge

New Zealand’s largest nation – wide organisation that supports and helps women and children experiencing family violence. Our vision is for all women and children in Aotearoa to live free from domestic and family violence.
If you are experiencing any form of abuse in your family or your relationship, or know someone who is, there are many ways we can help you – for free, and confidentially.
Get help: womensrefuge.org.nz/get-help
If you need urgent help call 111
Crisisline: 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843 (24 hours a day / 7 days a week)