(formerly Stopping Violence Southland)
Agency Directory
Other Supports

Support for
Men, Women, Youth, Children
Street Address
59 Gala Street,
Invercargill 9810
phone: 03 218 4468
txt: 027 260 5034
Postal Address
PO Box 358
Thames, 3540
Lighthouse Southland works with men, women and young people by providing education, counselling and support. Contact Lighthouse Southland now to join a programme or service that best suit your needs.
No one feels good about being violent or abusive, about being withdrawn or angry.
No one feels good watching their partner or children living in fear, or acting out the violence they have experienced. But the cycle and the addictions that go with it can be overwhelming. Break the cycles of violence and abuse for you, your family and friends. There is no shame and no excuses. It is about rebuilding relationships. It is about restoring trust and respect.
Specialist Family Violence Services
Specialist family violence services are provided by skilled kaimahi/staff whose sole or main role is focussed on working with people experiencing family violence.
A summary of specialist family violence services is provided under each of the tabs below. More detailed information can be obtained by contacting the agency or accessing their website.
Non-Violence Services for Men
These services and programmes are suitable for people who are using violence or concerned about their risk of using violence or want to find better ways to maintain healthy relationships.
- Individual programme (self refer)
- Group programme (self refer)
- Individual programme (Court refer)
- Group programme (Court refer)
- Individual programme (Corrections)
- Group programme (Corrections)
Victim/Survivor Support for Men
These services are for men who are current or past victims/survivors of family violence. Violence isn’t only physical. It includes verbal, emotional and financial abuse.
Non-Violence Services for Women
These services and programmes are suitable for people who are using violence or concerned about their risk of using violence or want to find better ways to maintain healthy relationships.
- Individual programme (self refer)
- Group programme (self refer)
- Individual programme (Court refer)
- Group programme (Court refer)
- Individual programme (Corrections)
- Group programme (Corrections)
Victim/Survivor Support for Women
These services are for women who are current or past victims/survivors of family violence. Violence isn’t only physical. It includes verbal, emotional and financial abuse.
- Group programme (self refer)
- Group programme (Court refer)
Children’s and Youth Services
These services and programmes are suitable for children and young people who have been impacted by family violence. Some age limits may apply depending upon the type of service to be provided.
- Safety services (self refer)
- Counselling for children (self refer)
- Counselling for at risk youth (self refer)
- Group programmes for children (self refer)
- Group programme for youth (self refer)
- Individual programme (Court refer)
Other Family Violence Services Available
We also offer the following services for people impacted by family violence:
Adolescent Programme – self and other referral. A programme for adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years, designed to support young people to stop using violence and abuse to solve their problems. 10 individual sessions.
Non-Family Violence Related Services Available
In addition to the specialist family violence services outlined above, the agency also provides the following services which are not specifically family violence related:
Adolescent Programme – self and other referral. A programme for adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years, designed to support young people to stop using violence and abuse to solve their problems. 10 individual sessions.