Tauranga Living Without Violence
Agency Directory
Further Support Services

Support for
Men, Women, Youth, Children
Street Address
7 Kauri Street, Gate Pa
Tauranga 3112
Postal Address
P.O. Box 3133
Greerton, Tauranga 3142
About Us
Tauranga Living Without Violence is a specialist provider of services in the domestic violence arena, working with perpetrators of violence, victims of violence, rangatahi and tamariki who have experienced violence in their home.
Our mission is to respond to family violence and oppression, with a primary focus on men’s violence towards women and children.
Specialist Family Violence Services
Specialist family violence services are provided by skilled kaimahi/staff whose sole or main role is focused on working with people experiencing family violence.
A summary of specialist family violence services is provided under each of the headings below. More detailed information can be obtained by contacting the agency.
Crisis Support for Men
- Protection order applications help
Non-Violence Services for Men
These services and programmes are suitable for men who are using violence or concerned about their risk of using violence or want to find better ways to maintain healthy relationships.
- Risk management (safety planning) (self refer)
- Individual counselling or non-violence programme (self refer)
- Group-based non-violence programme (self refer)
- Assessments (Court and Corrections refer)
- Non-Violence Programme – individual (Court and Corrections refer)
- Non-Violence Programme – group (Court and Corrections refer)
Victim/Survivor Support for Men
These services are for men who are current or past victims/survivors of family violence. Violence isn’t only physical. It includes verbal, emotional and financial abuse.
- Safety services (self refer)
- Individual counselling (self refer)
- Group programme (self refer)
- Strengthening Safety service (Court refer)
- Safety Programme – individual (Court refer)
- Safety Programme – group (Court refer)
Crisis Support for Women
- Protection order applications help
Non-Violence Services for Women
These services and programmes are suitable for women who are using violence or concerned about their risk of using violence or want to find better ways to maintain healthy relationships.
- Risk management (safety planning) (self refer)
- Individual counselling or non-violence programme (self refer)
- Group-based non-violence programme (self refer)
- Assessments (Court refer)
- Non-Violence Programme – individual (Court refer)
- Non-Violence Programme – group (Court refer)
Victim/Survivor Support for Women
These services are for women who are current or past victims/survivors of family violence. Violence isn’t only physical. It includes verbal, emotional and financial abuse.
- Safety services (self refer)
- Group programme (self refer)
- Individual counselling (self refer)
- Strengthening Safety service (Court refer)
- Safety Programme – individual (Court refer)
- Safety Programme – group (Court refer)
Children’s and Youth Services
These services and programmes are suitable for children and young people who are victims/have witnessed violence . Some age limits may apply depending upon the type of service to be provided.
- Safety planning (self refer)
- Individual counselling or support (self refer)
- Group-based programmes -victims/survivors
These services and programmes are suitable for children and young people who are using violence/displaying troubling behaviours. Some age limits may apply depending upon the type of service to be provided.
- Risk management (safety planning) (self refer)
- Individual counselling or non-violence programme (self refer)