Whakatu Marae Committee
Agency Directory
Other Supports
Support for
Couples, Whānau/Families
Street Address
99 Atawhai Drive
Nelson 7010
Helpline: 0800 942522 (0800 whaka2)
Phone: 03 546 9097
Whakatu marae in Nelson is a united and innovative marae ensuring Tino Rangatiratanga is able to flourish for the benefit of our whānau, hapū and iwi.
Specialist Family Violence Services
Specialist family violence services are provided by skilled kaimahi/staff whose sole or main role is focussed on working with people experiencing family violence.
A summary of specialist family violence services is provided under each of the tabs below. More detailed information can be obtained by contacting the agency or accessing their website.
Couples, Whānau & Family Services
These services and programmes are suitable for couples, whānau and families who have been impacted by family violence. Some services may only be available if it is deemed safe to offer them.
- Family/whānau social work
- Whānau resilience services
- Whānau support services
Other Family Violence Services Available
We also offer the following services for people impacted by family violence:
- Whānau Resilience Services
- Whānau Support Services
Non-Family Violence Related Services Available
In addition to the specialist family violence services outlined above, the agency also provides the following services which are not specifically family violence related:
- Whānau Resilience Services
- Whānau Support Services